My Story

Ananta Breathwork was born out of a tragedy. Actually a few. In 2019, my whole life was turned upside down and would never be the same again. Overnight, I found myself as a single mother of 6 amazing humans. I knew I had to stay mentally healthy so that my children had the best chance at healing from their own traumas.
That is when I discovered breathwork. I began practicing daily, resourcing myself so that I could show up in wholeness for my kids. Soon enough, I would be able to put my coping skills to the next test.
In January of 2021, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. At age 38. I went home and told my amazing humans that we were about to face our next big challenge as a family. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared. After regrouping, and with the incredible support of friends, family, nurses, doctors and surgeons, I underwent exhausting and grueling treatments and underwent many, many surgeries. I made the choice during my cancer treatments to utilize the skills I had already developed through regular breathwork in order to manage my pain and my attitude. My medical team was regularly surprised at how quickly I healed and how I always had a smile to share. I directly attribute this to the deep healing work I had already done through guided breathwork.
During chemotherapy, I would sit looking at all the other patients and just want to share this magical secret weapon that was making it possible for me to enjoy the journey of ridding my body of cancer. I decided to get formally trained in breathwork, specifically trauma informed, and started sharing it with anyone that would pause long enough to listen. I now walk the earth cancer free and living my purpose and my passion. Daily.
If someone would have told me 4 years ago that I would be sitting next to people, guiding them to a place of self discovery and self healing, through the power of their own breath, I would have laughed and made a snarky comment. Instead, I wake up each day excited that after so much personal tragedy, I get the opportunity to show people that joy is possible with some intentional work. You really can be going through intensely tough situations and come out stronger. Peacefully existing is real. You don’t have to look a certain way, talk a certain way, have commas in your bank account, or have had the perfect childhood. You get to design your life the moment you take responsibility for your healing.